Synonyms with C

Here is the list of words that start with C and their synonyms

  • Cabin (n): cottage, hut, shed
  • Cage (n): aviary, coop, pen
  • Calamity (n): adversity, disaster, tragedy
  • Calculate (v):compute, estimate, work out
  • Call (v): 1. cry, shout, yell; 2. contact; call; ring up; 3. name, label
  • Calm (adj): cool, peaceful, quiet
  • Campaign (n): attack, crusade, movement
  • Cancel (v): abolish, annul, repeal, revoke
  • Capability (n): ability, capacity, potential, skill
  • Capable (adj): skilled, competent
  • Capacity (noun): 1. quantity, scope, volume; 2. ability, capability, competency
  • Captain (n): chief, boss, commander, pilot
  • Captive (n): convict, detainee, hostage, prisoner
  • Capture (v): apprehend, arrest, catch, seize
  • Care for (v): look after, nurse
  • Careful (adj): cautious, watchful
  • Cargo (n): baggage, freight, load
  • Carnage (n): massacre
  • Carnival (n): celebration, festival, holiday
  • Carry (v): bear, bring, transport
  • Carve (v): chisel, engrave, sculpt
  • Case (n): argument, circumstances, condition
  • Casual (adj): chance, random
  • Catch (v): grasp, grip, seize, take
  • Caution (n): attention, care, prudence, warning
  • Cease (v): conclude, stop, terminate
  • Celebrity (n): dignitary, personage, star
  • Cell (n): chamber
  • Cemetery (n): burial-ground, churchyard, graveyard
  • Certain (adj): 1. confident, sure, definite, convinced
  • Certainly (adv): absolutely, definitely, of course
  • Chairman (n): direct, president, spokesman
  • Challenge (n): dispute, question
  • Champion (n): victor, winner
  • Chance (n): fate, luck, opportunity
  • Change (v): alter, shift
  • Chaos (n): anarchy, disorder, lawlessness
  • Chapter (n): episode, period
  • Charge (v): 1. accuse, blame 2. ask, demand, price 3. assail, attack, rush
  • Charity (n): donation, generosity, gift
  • Charming (adj): appealing, attractive
  • Chase (v): follow, pursue, track
  • Chat (v): chatter, natter
  • Cheap (adj): economical, inexpensive
  • Cheat (v): defraud, fool
  • Check (v): examine, inspect, go over
  • Cheerful (adj): glad, happy, joyful
  • Childbirth (n): child-bearing, labour
  • Chilly (adj): breezy, cold
  • Choice (n): alternative, option, selection
  • Choose (v): select
  • Chronic (adj): constant, continual, incessant
  • Circle (n): loop, orb, ring
  • Circular (adj): round
  • Circulate (v): rotate
  • Cite (v): mention, refer, quote
  • Citizen (v): inhabitant, resident
  • Claim (n): allegation, assertation
  • Clash (n): fight, brawl, struggle, scuffle
  • Class (n): 1. category, collections, group 2. course, lecture, seminar
  • Clean (adj): hygienic, spotless,
  • Clean (verb): wash, rinse, cleanse, dry-clean
  • Clever (adj): intelligent, smart, brilliant, bright 
  • Client (n): buyer, customer
  • Close (adj): 1. near, nearby 2. lock, shut
  • Clothes (n): clothing, garment, dress, wear, gear 
  • Cloudy (adj): hazy, dull
  • Clue (n): evidence, hint
  • Clumsy (adj): awkward
  • Clutter (n): disarray, mess
  • Coach (n): 1. instructor, trainer 2. Bus
  • Coalition (n): alliance, association, league
  • Coarse (adj): rough, uneven
  • Coast (n): seaside, shore
  • Code (n): etics, principles, regulation
  • Coherent (adj): comprehensible, understandable
  • Cold (adj): cool, freezing, chilly
  • Collapse (v): fail, break down
  • Collect (v): assemble, gather
  • Collective (adj): composite, co-operative, mutual
  • Column (n): pillar
  • Combat (n): battle, fight, struggle
  • Command (v): order
  • Commence (v): start, begin, kick off, open 
  • Comment (v): note, remark, observe
  • Commentary (n): analysis
  • Commerce (n): business, trade
  • Common (adj): average, ordinary
  • Community (n): society
  • Company (n): corporation, enterprise, firm
  • Compel (v): force
  • Compete (v): battle, contest, oppose
  • Competent (adj): able,capable
  • Competitor (n): rival
  • Complain (v): protest, object, grumble, moan
  • Complete (adj): 1. absolute, entire, full 2. accomplished, done, finished
  • Complex (adj): complicated
  • Comprise (adj): consist of, make up
  • Compulsory (adj): mandatory
  • Conceal (v): cover, disguise, hide, cover, mask 
  • Concede (v): admit, acknowledge, recognize 
  • Conceive (v): imagine
  • Concept (n): idea, principle
  • Concern (v): affect, involve
  • Concerned (adj): nervous, anxious, uneasy 
  • Concerning (prep); about
  • Conciliate (v): pacify
  • Concise (adj): brief, short
  • Condemn (v): 1. blame. 2. sentence 3.doom
  • Condense (v): reduce
  • Condition(n): 1. state 2.illness, disorder, infection, ailment 
  • Confer (v): discuss
  • Confess: admit, acknowledge, recognize, concede
  • Confident (adj): sure, convinced, certain, positive, clear 
  • Confine (v): restrict
  • Conform (v): comply
  • Confound (v): baffle, surprise
  • Confuse (v): mix up
  • Conjecture (v): guess
  • Connect (v): associate, fasten, join
  • Consequence (n): result, outcome
  • Consider (v): regard
  • Considerable (adj): significant
  • Consist of (v): comprise, make up, constitute
  • Console (v): comfort
  • Constant (adj): fixed
  • Construct (v): build, assemble, erect 
  • Consult (v): talk, discuss, communicate, debate 
  • Contemporary (adj): modern
  • Contend (v): maintain
  • Content (adj): happy, satisfied, contented, joyful  
  • Continue (v): go on, proceed, resume
  • Contract (n): agreement, treaty
  • Contradictory (adj): conflicting
  • Contrary (adj): opposite
  • Contrast (n): difference
  • Conversation (n): dialogue, talk, debate, consultation, chat 
  • Convince (v): persuade
  • Cook (n): chef
  • Cool (adj): freezing, chilly, lukewarm, tepid
  • Cope (v): manage
  • Correct (adj): right, true
  • Correspond (v): agree, tally
  • Cost (n): value, expense, worth 
  • Costly (adj): expensive, overpriced, pricey 
  • Costs (n): spending, expenditure, expenses, overheads, outlay
  • Cosy (adj): confortable, snug
  • Couch (n): settee, sofa
  • Courage (n): bravery
  • Courteous (adj): polite
  • Crack (v): break
  • Crafty (adj): cunning, willy
  • Cramp (v): restrict
  • Crash (v): slam, collide, smash, wreck 
  • Crave (v): long for
  • Crazy (adj): nuts, batty, out of your mind, mad 
  • Cripple (v): disable
  • Crucial (adj): essential, vital, critical, decisive
  • Crusade (n): campaign
  • Cry (v): 1. sob, wail, whimper, weep 2. shout, yell, scream, cheer, bellow
  • Cultivate (v): grow
  • Cure (v): heal
  • Curious (adj): inquisitive
  • Current (adj): actual, present
  • Curse (v): swear

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