Vocabulary about peace

Here is the list of words related to peacekeeping

Accord (n)

a formal or official agreement between two countries, governments or groups of people
  • The Paris Peace Accords
  • A peace accord was signed to end the war.

Agreement (n)

a contract, promise or decision about what to do or will happen, made by two or more  different people or groups
  • a verbal [=not written] agreement
  • a peace/trade agreement
  • An agreement was reached between both sides.
  • Finally they have come to an agreement.
  • Don’t sign the rental agreement before reading all the terms carefully.

Appease (v)

formal. to give someone what they want in order to avoid conflict with them
  • They tried to appease the dictator to keep the peace.

Armistice (n)

a formal agreement between two countries involved in a war to stop fighting and negotiate a peace
  • Finally, they agreed to an armistice after six years of war.

Ceasefire (n)

an agreement between enemies to stop fighting for a period of time, especially to discuss making peace
  • a ceasefire agreement
  • to call a ceasefire
  • They were accused of violating the ceasefire.
  • The rebel groups ended the ceasefire.

Negotiate (v)

to have discussions about something  in order to reach a desired agreement or find a solution to the problem
  • The parties are willing to negotiate a resolution to the political crisis.
  • The government will refuse to negotiate with the opposition.

Negotiation (n)

discussions between people who are trying to reach a desired agreement
  • Peace negotiations
  • Finally, two sides reached an agreement after lengthy negotiations.
  • The price is open to negotiation.
  • The government refused to open/enter into negotiations with the rebel forces.

Olive branch (n)

something that is offered to someone in order to show that you want to make peace; a symbol of peace
  • to extend/offer/hold out an olive branch to someone
  • The government held out an olive branch to the demonstrators by reducing taxes.

Pacifism (n)

the belief that the war and violence are wrong and that people should settle all disputes in a peaceful way

Pacify (v)

to establish or restore peace in a country or an area, especially by using military force
  • The government forces failed to pacify the troubled region.

Peace (n)

a situation in which there is no war or fighting in an area
  • Peace talks
  • World peace
  • They've always lived together in peace.
  • We hope the referendum will bring peace to the country.

Peacekeeper (n)

a special soldier in a military force  who has been sent to prevent violence in an area where there is fighting or a war

Peacekeeping (n)

the activity of restoring the peace in a troubled area
  • a peacekeeping force/mission

Peacemaker (n)

a person who tries to persuade people or countries to stop fighting or arguing and bring peace

Peacetime (n)

a period of time during which there is no conflict or war between two or more countries
  • There has been an increase in military spending even in peacetime.

Reparations (n)

money that is paid by a defeated country for damages or expenses it caused to another country during a war

Surrender (v)

to stop fighting and agree that you have been defeated
  • The enemy forces refused to surrender.

Treaty (n)

a formal written agreement between two or more countries or international organizations
  • a peace treaty
  • The treaty was ratified by six countries.

Truce (n)

an agreement to stop fighting or arguing  for a short time
  • Let’s call a truce.
  • The gangs agreed (American English agreed to) a truce.

White flag (n)

a flag that is raised or waved as a symbol of truce or ceasefire, or a wish to stop fighting  
