Phrasal verbs that start with E

List of phrasal verbs that start with E

Ease off/up

to become less strong, intense, severe, etc.

  • The rain has started to ease off.
  • The pain had eased off a bit.

Ease out

(S) to force someone to leave an office or position

  • After the financial scandal he was eased out of office.

Ease up on

to become less severe or strict towards someone

  • They have eased up on their children.

Eat up

2. to feel a strong emotion so that you cannot think of anything else

  • He was eaten up by anger.
3. (Also eat into).to use resources in large quantities

  • Inflation had eaten up/into all my savings.

Eat away/into

to erode or destroy something slowly

  • Waves are eating away at the cliff face.
  • Rust began to eat into the metal chairs.

Eat out

to have dinner in a restaurant rather than at home

Edge out

to defeat someone or something by being better or more successful than they are

  • They edged out the French team 2-1.
  • He edged out his rival by ten votes.

Edit out

to remove something unnecessary before it is printed or shown            

  • The nude scenes will be edited out of the film.

Egg on

informal. to encourage someone to do something that is usually risky or foolish

  • He was egged on to continue drinking.

Emanate from

to come out from a place

  • A scream emanated from the room.

Embark on/upon

to start doing something, especially something new that will take a long time

  • The Agricultural Ministry has embarked upon a new rural project.

End in

to have something as a particular result

  • The campaign ended in failure.
  • The second match ended in a draw.

End up

to come to a particular place or situation when you did not intend to  

  • If you don't pay your tax you'll end up in court.

Endow with

to provide someone with natural ability, talent or quality

  • Susan was endowed with a powerful intellect.

Engage in

to take part in an activity

  • He has engaged in scientific research.
  • He engaged me in conversation. [=He had a conversation with me.]

Enlarge on/upon

to give more details or information about something that you have said

  • She was asked to enlarge on her argument.

Enter on/upon begin or become involved in something

  • He entered on a career in politics.

Enter into

to begin to take part in something such as agreement, discussion, or relationship

  • The conflicting  parties entered into negotiations.

Equate to

to be the same as something else

  • This sum equates to about £2000 today.

Even out

(S) to become or make something become steady

  • House prices have evened out across the country's major cities.

Even up

to make something more equal

  • A penalty in the second half evened up the score.

Expand on/upon

to say more about something that you have already mentioned

  • Please expand on your comment.

Explain away

to make something seem less important or try to show that something is not your fault by giving a reason or explanation

  • He was unable to explain away his frequent and prolonged absences.

Eye up

informal.(S)to look at someone in a way that shows you specially interested in them

  • She noticed the man eyeing her up.

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