Numbers in English

Numbers in English

A number is a word (such as ‘five’) or symbol (such as ‘3’) that represents an amount of quantity. We use numbers for counting or calculating.
  • Even numbers (= 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.)
  • Odd numbers (= 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.)

Whole number

a number (such as 0, 1, 5, 8) without fractions or decimals

 Round number

a number that often ends in 0 or 5

Cardinal numbers

Numbers (such as 1, 2, 3) that indicate quantity are called cardinal numbers.
  • I have five books.

Ordinal numbers

Numbers (such as first, second, third) that are used to put things in an order are called ordinal numbers.
  • This is the fifty-sixth floor.

1st     first
60th      sixtieth
2nd    second
61st       sixty-first
3rd     third
62nd      sixty-second
4th     fourth
63rd       sixty-third
5th     fifth
100th     hundredth
6th     sixth
1000th   thousandth

Nominal numbers

Numbers (such as zip code or a player on a team) used in labeling or identifying something are called nominal numbers.

The number 0

0 is called zero (British English also nouht). The  letter o means zero in years, telephone numbers, room numbers, bus numbers and times. (My number is five o double six =My number is 5066). Nil means the number 0 as the score in games (The score was three nil=The score was 3-0.).


A division of a whole number is called fraction.

1/2    a half
4/16    four sixteenths
1/3    a/one third
6/32    six thirty-seconds
1/4    a/one quarter
11/2    one and a half
3/4   three quarters
22/3    two and two thirds
1/5   a fifth

Decimal fraction

Decimal fraction or decimal is fraction that is written with a point (.). We say all the digits after a decimal point separately. Money is said like normal numbers.

0.5       point five
0.35     point three five
0.05     point zero five
0.529   point five two nine
2.5        two point five
$26.95  twenty-six ninety-five
