Interrogative Pronouns - Quiz 1

Add an interrogative pronoun to complete each sentence.

1. ___________ is the president of India?
2. ___________ are these keys?
3. ___________ shall we have for dinner?
4. To ________ did you write?
5. ___________ birthday is it today?
6. ___________ is the number of the door?
7. ___________ bag is yours?
8. To_________ did she send the fax?
9. ___________ one of your brothers is the doctor?
10. __________ has left the keys on the table?
11. __________ will happen if I push the button?
12. __________ of your sisters lives in London?

Interrogative Pronouns Worksheet

Answer key

1. who
2. whose
3. what
4. whom
5. whose
6. what
7. which
8. whom
9. which
10. who
11. what
12. which
