Phrasal verbs with Kick

Here is a list of phrasal verbs with Kick

Kick around

1. Informal. to move from one place to another:
  • We decided to kick around Italy.
2. Informal. to discuss an idea or plan informally:
  • They met to kick the suggestion around.
3. Informal. to treat someone unkindly and unfairly:
  • He can't kick me around anymore.

Kick against

to react strongly against something that you dislike:
  • Students kicked against the establishment.

Kick back

American English. Informal. to relax:
  • Kick back and enjoy the movie.

Kick in 

1. Informal. to start or to begin to become effective:
  • The medication is kicking in.
2. Both American English. Informal. to give something, especially money, to help:
  • I kicked in a few dollars to the collection.

Kick off

1. When a football game kicks off, the players start it by kicking the ball:
  • What time does the match kick off?
2. Informal. to start or to start something:
  • The beer festival kicks off this week.
3. (S) to remove your shoes by shaking your feet:
  • He kicked off his shoes and collapsed on the sofa.

Kick out

(S) to force someone to leave a place:
  • I kicked him out of my house.

Kick up

1. If wind or a storm kicks up, it becomes stronger:
  • The wind started to kick up again.
2. to make something rise into the air:
  • The vehicles kicked up clouds of dust and rocks.
