Phrasal verbs-G

Gain on 

to gradually get closer to someone or something that you are chasing in order to catch:

  • Drive faster! The car is gaining on us.  

Gear up 

to get ready for a particular activity or event:

  • The town is already gearing up for the beer festival.  

Get across 

(S) to succeed in making someone understand something clearly:

  • He tried to get his new ideas across but was unable to.

Get ahead 

to become better or more successful than others in a work:

  • He wants to get ahead and be successful in his career.  

Get along/get on 

to have a friendly and smooth relationship:

  • Kevin and his sister don’t get along. They argue all the time. 
  • I get along well with my roommate.  

Get around 

1. to be able to go or walk to different places:

  • My grandfather gets around with the aid of a stick.
2. also get round. to successfully deal with something difficult or unpleasant:

  • He has to find a way to get around that problem.  
3. also get round. If news or information gets around, a lot of people tell it to each other: 

  • News of the arrests soon got round 
4. also get around. to persuade someone gently to agree with something by being nice to them:

  • You can get around your father to take you swimming.  

Get at 

1. to keep criticizing someone unfairly:

  • My boss is always getting at me.  
2. to be able to reach or touch something:

  • We can’t get at the screws and bolts.  
3. to find out the true facts about something:

  • We’re just trying to get at the truth. 

Get away 

to get free or escape from a person or place:

  • I want to get away from the heat of the city. 
  • The dangerous criminal got away in a car.  

Get away with 

to avoid punishment for something:

  • John often leaves work early. He’ll never get away with it.   

Get back 

to return to a place 

  • He got back from his business trip this morning.  

Get back at 

informal. to hurt or punish someone in order to take revenge for something bad that they have done to you:

  • She was trying to get back at him for insulting her intelligence.  

Get back to 

to talk, phone or write to someone again later in order to answer a question or give some information: 

  • I’ll get back to you shortly. 

Get behind 

to fail to do or produce something on time:

  • He had got behind with the payments after losing his job. 

Get by 

to have just enough money to buy the things that you really need in order to live:

  • It is impossible to get by on such a small salary. 

Get down (S) 

1. to cause someone to feel sad and without hope:

  • This weather is getting me down 
2. to swallow food or drink:

  • She was trying to get the medicine down. 
3. to write down something that you want to remember:

  • You should get your thoughts down on a piece of paper.  

Get down to 

to begin doing something with a lot of effort; to give all your attention to something:

  • We finally got down to business.  

Get in 

1. When a train, plane or other vehicle gets in, it arrives:

  • The bus got in on time. 
2. to be elected:

  • He got in with a majority of 8561.  
3. to arrive at home or place of work:

  • I’ll wait until he gets in. 
4. (S) to collect crops from the field and put them in a particular place:

  • We decided to get the harvest in before Christmas.  
5. (S) to succeed in doing or saying something:

  • It was impossible to get a word in 
6. also get in. to be allowed to become a member of a club or a student at a college or university: 

  • I’ll work hard. I want to get into the university. 
7. also get enter a car, taxi, van, truck, etc.:

  • David got into his car and drove away. 

Get in on 

to become involved in an activity: 

  • Our firm is trying to get in on the new project. 

Get into 

to start being involved in something: 

  • He’s thinking of getting into politics.  

Get in with 

to become friendly with someone: 

  • At university, he got in with the wrong group.  

Get off 

1. to leave a place because you start a journey:

  • Can we get off by five o’clock? 
2. used to tell someone not to touch someone or something: 

  • Get off me!  
3. to leave work because it is time to leave: 

  • What time do you get off work on Fridays? 
4. to not be punished for doing something wrong: 

  • They charged him with theft, but he got off. 
5. to descend from a ship, train, plane, bus, etc.:

  • He got off the train in London. 

Get on be successful in your life or career: 

  • It wasn’t easy to get on. make progress in a situation:

  • How are you getting on in your new career? 
3. to board a ship, train, plane, bus, etc. 

  • When will we get on the plane? 

Get on with 

to continue doing something: 

  • He went quiet and got on with his work. 

Get out 

1. to leave a place 

  • Get out of my house right now! 
2. If something secret gets out, it becomes known: 

  • News got out that she was leaving him for another man. 

Get out of 

1. to avoid doing something that you should do: 

  • He wanted to get out of the housework. 
2. to stop doing something that is a habit: 

  • I must get out of the habit of going to bed late. 
3. to leave a car, taxi, etc.: 

  • We stopped and got out of the car 

Get over 

1. to deal successfully with something difficult:

  • I really need to get over my shyness. 
2. to get well again after being ill: 

  • It took me weeks to get over the flu. 
3. to start feeling happy after a very bad experience: 

  • I cannot get over the shock of his death. 

Get through 

1. informal. to use up or finish something completely: 

  • We got through five jars of honey last week. 
2. to succeed in contacting someone: 

  • He tried phoning home, but couldn't get through. 
Telephone phrasal verbs
3. to pass an exam, etc.:

  • got through my driving test. 
4. to be officially approved: 

  • The proposal finally got through parliament. 

Get to 

to annoy or irritate someone: 

  • Try not to let him get to you. 

Get up 

1. to wake and get out of your bed:

  • get up early every morning. 
2. to stand up after sitting or lying down: 

  • He got up from the chair and left the room. 

Get up as 

(S) to dress yourself or someone in particular clothes: 

  • He was got up as a pirate. 

Get up to 

to do something, especially something unpleasant: 

  • What did you get up to yesterday? 

Give away 

1. (S) to give something to someone because you no longer want it: 

  • I've given away all my old clothes. 
2. (S) to make known something that should be kept secret: 

  • He gave away trade secrets. 

Give in 

1. to stop fighting or resisting and admit that you are defeated: 

  • I am not going to give in without a fight. 
2. to agree to do what someone else wants to do: 

  • The government refused to give in to terrorists’ demands. 

Give off 

also give out to produce a gas, heat or a smell:

  • The candle gave off a sweet smell. 

Give onto 

to open in a particular direction: 

  • The door gives onto a large entrance hall. 

Give out 

1. to become weaker or  stop working: 

  • She talked non-stop till her voice gave out. 
2. (S) to give something to a group of people: 

  • The teacher asked him to give out the worksheets. 
  • Can you give the books out, please? 

Give over to 

to give something to someone/something for a particular purpose:

  • The area is given over to the production of vegetables. 

Give up 

1. (S) to stop doing or using something: 

  • I’m trying to give up smoking. 
2. to decide that you cannot do something and stop trying: 

  • gave up. What’s the answer? 

Give up on 

to stop believing that someone will improve or change:

  • My teachers have never given up on me. 

Phrasal verbs with Go

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