Accept and Except

Although the words accept and except sound very similar, they’re quite different in meaning. Accept is a verb. It means to take something offered; to answer yes to an invitation or offer. Except is most commonly used as a preposition.

  • Please accept our humblest apologies.
  • We offered her the job, and she accepted.
  • I’ve accepted an offer of $2 500.
  • Are you going to accept his invitation to the party?
  • Do you accept this credit card?

Except can be a preposition or conjunction.
We often use except as a preposition to mean apart from or not included. As a preposition, it is followed by a noun.
  • I like all fruit except persimmon.
  • The museum is open every day except holidays.
  • Everyone came except David.
  • All my friends were there except him.

As prepositions except and except for mean the same thing, but except for cannot be used as a conjunction.
  • I like all sports except (for) tennis.

As a conjunction except is used before a clause or adverbial phrase.
  • Our jackets were the same except his was red.
  • He does nothing except watch television.
  • She doesn’t know much about him, except that he’s a doctor.

Except can also be used as a verb to mean to not include someone or something.
  • Children under seven are excepted from the rule.
Accept vs Except
