Adverbs of definite frequency

Adverbs of frequency describe how often something happens. There are two types of adverbs of frequency:  

Definite: We exactly know how often something happens, and use them at the end of a sentence. 
Indefinite: We do not know how often something happens, and use them before the main verb, after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after the verb to be. 
Adverbs of definite frequency

Here is the list of some adverbs of definite frequency with examples: 


once every hour:

  • Buses to London run hourly . 
  • Reapply the sunblock hourly. 
  • The nurse checks on the patient hourly 
  • The information is updated five hourly [=every five hours]. 


every day 

  • Is the museum open daily? 
  • Take two tablets with food daily. 
  • The official site is updated twice daily [=two times every day].
  • The water is tested daily for purity.  
  • She likes to shop daily. 


once a week or every week 

  • The letters are delivered weekly. 
  • Are you paid weekly? 
  • The magazine is published weekly. 
  • They meet weekly to discuss these issues.  
  • Feed the tomatoes twice weekly. 


once a month 

  • Employees are paid monthly 
  • The rent is paid monthly. 
  • I change the air filters monthly. 
  • Don't forget to fertilize the plants monthly. 
  • The plants are inspected monthly for disease. 


once a year or every year 

  • You can pay the mortgage yearly. 
  • The directory is published yearly 

These words can be also used as an adjective.  

  • a daily newspaper 
  • a weekly programme 
  • yearly income 

What's difference between Yearly and Annually? 

Yearly and annually mean once a year. Yearly is both an adjective and an adverb. Annually is an adverb and adjective form is annual. 

  • I went for my yearly [=annual] checkup. 
  • The magazine is issued yearly [=annually]. 
