Synonyms with A

Here is the list of words that start with A and their synonyms

  • Abandon (v): leave, leave behind, desert
  • Abase (v): belittle, cast down, debase
  • Abashed (adj): ashamed, embarrassed
  • Abate (v): decline, decrease, reduce
  • Abbey (n): cloister, friary, monastery
  • Abbreviate (v): cut, shorten, summarize
  • Abdomen (n): belly, guts, stomach
  • Abduct (v): kidnap, run away with, seduce
  • Abet (v): aid, assist, help
  • Abhor (v): abominate, detest, hate
  • Abide (v): accept, bear, tolerate
  • Abide by (v): acknowledge, follow, obey
  • Ability (n): capability, capacity, skill
  • Able (adj): adequate, capable, competent
  • Abnormal (adj): anomalous, odd, paranormal
  • Abolish (v): cancel, destroy, eliminate
  • Abominate (v): abhor, condemn, detest
  • Abound (v): be plentiful, flourish, thrive
  • About (prep): 1. regarding, related to; 2.beside, close to, near
  • About (adv): almost, approximately, around
  • Above (adv): earlier, on high, overhead
  • Above (adj): above-mentioned, foregoing
  • Above (prep): over
  • Abroad (adv): in foreign lands, overseas
  • Abrupt (adj): blunt, brief
  • Absent (adj): away, missing, out
  • Absorb (v): soak up, suck up, swallow
  • Abstain (v): avoid, deny, refuse
  • Absurd (adj): meaningless, ridiculous
  • Abundant (adj): ample, generous, sufficient
  • Abuse (v): deceive, misuse, wrong
  • Accept (v): acknowledge, admit, allow
  • Acceptable (adj): adequate, sufficient, suitable
  • Access (n): approach, entrance, entry
  • Accessible (adj): approachable , available
  • Accessory (n): adornment, appliance
  • Accident (n): calamity, disaster, hazard
  • Accidental (adj): incidental, unexpected
  • Acclaim (v): applaud, approve, celebrate
  • Accommodation (n): dwelling, house, shelter
  • Accomplish (v): achieve, complete, obtain
  • According to: in accordance with
  • Accordingly (adv): as a result, consequently
  • Accurate (adj): precise, correct
  • Achieve (v): accomplish, obtain, get
  • Acknowledge (v): accept, agree, allow
  • Acquire (v): achieve, get, obtain
  • Act (n): 1. Action, deed, move; 2. Bill, decree, measure; 3. Attitude, performance, show
  • Act (v): 1. carry out, do, execute; 2. enact, perform, play
  • Action (n): 1. activity, motion, movement; 2. Battle, clash, fight
  • Active (adj): 1. ambitious, busy; 2. lively, nimble, quick; 3. In operation, running
  • Actual (adj): certain, current, present
  • Actually (adv): in fact, in reality, indeed
  • Adapt (v): fit, match
  • Add (v): attach, include, join
  • Adequate (adj): acceptable, sufficient, suitable
  • Adhesive (adj): adherent, gluey, sticky
  • Adjust (v): adapt, fit, suit
  • Administer (v): control, lead, supervise
  • Admire (v): adore, applaud, respect
  • Admit (v): accept, acknowledge, confess
  • Adult (adj): grown-up, mature, ripe
  • Advance (v): flourish, improve, progress
  • In advance: beforehand, earlier, previously
  • Advanced (adj): higher, leading, progressive
  • Adventure (n): experience, risk, trip
  • Adventurer (n): fortune-hunter, voyager
  • Adverse (adj): conflicting, contrary, negative
  • Advice (n): recommendation, suggestion
  • Affair (n): event, matter, case
  • Affect (v): influence, alter, change
  • Affection (n): care, love feeling
  • Affirm (v): confirm, verify
  • Afraid (adj): frightened, scared, shocked
  • After (prep): afterwards, following, later
  • Afternoon (n): siesta, tea-time
  • Age (n): date, life, span
  • Agency (n): bureau, department, office
  • Aggressive (adj): angry, destructive, threatening
  • Agile (adj): quick, rapid
  • Agree (v): acknowledge, admit
  • Aid (n): help, support
  • Aim (n): goal, plan, wish
  • Alarm (n): anxiety, panic
  • Alert (adj): active, agile
  • All (adj): complete, entire, whole
  • Allow (v): admit, acknowledge, permit
  • Almost (adv): about, approximately, nearly
  • Alone (adj): only, solitary, lonely
  • Already (adv): at present, earlier, previously
  • Also (adv): as well, too
  • Alter (v): change, modify
  • Alternative (adj): different, other
  • Although (conj): despite, in spite of
  • Always (adv): continually, regularly
  • Amazing (adj): fascinating, wonderful
  • Among (prep): between, on the middle of
  • Amount (n): quantity, number, volume
  • Analyze (v): examine, study, test
  • Ancestor (n): forebear, forefather
  • Ancient (adj): aged, antique, archaic
  • Angry (adj): annoyed, furious, irritated
  • Announce (v): declare, release
  • Annoy (v): bother, disturb, worry
  • Answer (v): reply, respond, react
  • Anthem (n): hymn
  • Anthology (n): collection, treasury
  • Anticipate (v): forecast, foresee
  • Anxious (adj): concerned, worried, nervous
  • Apart (adv): separated
  • Apartment (n): flat
  • Appear (v): come into sight, emerge, seem
  • Apparent (adj): clear, obvious
  • Appoint (v): assign, choose, elect
  • Appreciate (v): acknowledge, be grateful
  • Approach (v): come near, reach
  • Appropriate (adj): convenient, relevant, suitable
  • Approve (v): accept
  • Aristocrat (n): noble, nobleman, noblewoman
  • Arrange (v): prepare for, organize
  • Arrest (v): capture, imprison, jail
  • Artificial (adj): unreal, fake, imitation
  • Artist (n): painter
  • Ashamed (adj): embarrassed, shy, sorry
  • Ask (v): inquire, request
  • Assemble (v): bring together, collect, gather
  • Assist (v): aid, support, help
  • Attach (v): join, fasten
  • Attack (v): ambush, assail, assault
  • Attain (v): earn, gain, obtain
  • Attempt (v): try, tackle, make effort
  • Attend (v): be present
  • Attention (n): concentration, notice, thought
  • Attractive (adj): appealing, beautiful
  • Authentic (adj): real, genuine
  • Authority (n): power, control
  • Autumn (n): fall, harvest
  • Available (adj): accessible, convenient, possible
  • Avoid (v): bypass, refrain, stay away from
  • Avoidable (adj): escapable, preventable
  • Award (n): prize, reward, honor
  • Aware (adj): familiar, informed

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
