Irrigation vocabulary

is the application of water to an area of land through pipes or channels to foster plant growth. To irrigate is the verb form of irrigation (to water – pour water on plants). There are three main methods of irrigation.

Surface irrigation (also flood irrigation)

Surface irrigation is the distribution of water over the entire field by gravity. Surface irrigation includes furrow irrigation and basin irrigation. Small parallel channels which carry water along the slope are called furrows. Level areas of land, surrounded by earth banks which prevent water from flowing to the next field are called basins.

Drip Irrigation (also trickle irrigation)

Drip irrigation is the application of irrigation water through a pipe system to the fields.  This system allows us to deliver water directly to the roots of the plants. Drip irrigation consists of pump, valves, pipes, and drippers (also called emitters). Valve is a device for controlling the flow of water. Pipe is a tube inside which water can flow. Pump is a machine which delivers water from the source into the pipe system.  Dripper is an outlet for dripping water from a pipe onto soil.

Sprinkler Irrigation

Sprinkle irrigation is the application of irrigation water in form of artificial rain. With sprinkler irrigation, water is sprayed onto the crops. Sprinkler irrigation consists of pump, valves, pipes and sprinkler head.  Sprinkler heads (also called sprinkler, sprays or spray head) are used to spray water.

Sentence examples:

The farmers use innovate systems to irrigate their fields.
I have to water flowers.
Surface irrigation is an ancient method of irrigation.
Flood irrigation is usually used by the less developed societies.
Basin irrigation is commonly used for rice fields.
Drip irrigation allows farmers to save water and fertilizer.
Sprinkler irrigation is suitable for field and tree crops.
